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Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
The birds are chirping and the sun has risen. Spring has somehow already arrived and Summer is just around the corner.
Florals everywhere and the earth is celebrating life, love, and new beginnings!
The problem is, what do you do when your mood is in darkness, pessimism, and ultimate skepticism? You just aren't feeling it, and you rather just crawl back in your moody dark corner with your black yoga pants. The last thing you would ever want is a bit of sunshine.
Hold on my friend, skeptics can also do well with a bit of sunshine in the their Spring style. There are ways to keep your edgy style while adding a bit of light and life to your dark aesthetic.
As a skeptic, you are naturally opinionated and have no problems questioning the norm. Use that courage, and gamble on a powerful color. Try a bright red/orange with harsh lines, and dare to be seen. It's a statement of power, and it suits you.
2.) VINTAGE 60's:
If you have never tried vintage shopping, give it a try. Most skeptics detest being like everyone else, and shopping in vintage shops is guaranteed to suit your desire for individuality. The 60's were a very creative, and daring period of fashion. Mod Style, is edgy, bright and fun.
(The dress I am wearing above, belonged to my mother from the 60's.)
A skeptic, loves nothing more than a good argument, and a playful banter of opposites. If you can't commit to head to toe color, then intermix it, and create irony. A black leather jacket casually worn over a soft floral, is a salty bite to a sweet center.
From one skeptic to another, don't be so predictable and wear the same style or color every day of the year. There is nothing edgy about a one dimensional style formula.
Have you ever thought about why we wear clothes?
We are the only species that have adopted the art of dressing, and nudists would argue, it's plain unnatural.
Unnatural for an animal, but not so for a human.
Humans have an innate ability to multitask multiple ideas, emotions, problem solve, and develop. This complexity, results in the need for creative ways to express life, far beyond our instincts.
Creativity is a skill that must be practiced and strengthened on a daily basis, and yet it is one of the most neglected tools of life.
This is wear fashion takes its role in everyones life as a tool to use creativity or not.
If you are a realist, you may dress strictly for practical reasons. If you are a religious person, you may dress strictly for modesty. A materialist, may dress to claim status, and power.
However, a person who dresses themselves to practice creativity and actively express themselves, is a living art form.
Why do you dress?
Sunday, April 8, 2018
I Feel Pretty, is an upcoming movie starring Amy Schumer, who is a woman struggling with her own body image, but awakens feeling transformed into a flawless beauty.
What would you do if you awoke one day without a care in the world and absolute body confidence? Would it be enough to start living your life, or would it lead you to a life of delusion and narcissism?
It is an interesting idea of how we "feel" verses how we are. If you feel beautiful, you are bringing out beauty that you have. A brightness, a smile, a light, you are giving off energy. This is interesting, because we live in a society highly dominated by what we see verses what we feel. The need to be "flawless", and the obsession of all or nothing. It has the majority of us seeing only our flaws, while completely neglecting the positive.
It's like chasing a rainbow without realizing you've already got it.
Beauty is a complex mixture of what we see and how we feel. It will be exciting to see what they will do with this idea of how emotions affect our visions.
I Feel Pretty, Coming Soon... (April 20, 2018)
Female empowerment is on a huge rise, and the fashion world has taken notice.
Feminism has taken on it's own identity, and apparently 'she' has clothes to match.
The problem is, fashion is not a feminist.
The beauty of what we wear and how we wear it, is the freedom to freely express ourselves without the disruption of genders, politics, or religious practice. It should not be used as a tool to divide, but as a practice to celebrate Humanism.
Humanism- is a progressive lifestance that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity.
The sooner we see fashion as a humanist, the quicker we can make the appropriate changes to how the fashion world functions and thinks. Humans need to support humans, before the profit line.
The heart of fashion must be found and practiced.
Believe it or not, a greater good of humanity can be found in Fashion.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Dear Diary,
With the the glitz of Christmas and New Years having past, January has quietly snuck up on me. With its watchful eyes, and silent judgement, I find myself in resolution for massive changes. This is the year to change.
Believing in the watchful eyes of 2019, procrastination finds me agitated...
Today I find myself enveloped in darkness. Black. Such an attraction. I find it rather amusing how the color black flirts with the absorption of light.
Playfully encouraged, I find myself uplifted by its opposite. Ironic. love it...
Can I live in a Chagall Painting? No feet. No boundaries. Limitless love.
Light as a feather, slightly delusional, but euphorically happy. Colors bursting with new ideas and dreaming of the impossible.
Don't control me, I am going to fly...
Frozen in the midst of winter, my heart is blossoming.
Could it be Spring so early? Still winter, and yet, I hear gentle melodies by chirping birds....
Feeling tropical today. Wearing cobalt blue and imagining the sea. chose a crop top and feeling chilly. Note to self, it's still winter...
Life is good.. for now.
Learning to grab the moments as they come.
Like bursting bubbles, watch out, they are fragile.
White Tiger.
There is so much strength and beauty found in the electric combination of black and white.
Forcing myself today to not depend on color, but to work with textures, and shapes...
Mopsy Maya.
Wearing my favorite cardigan, with enough absorption to mop the floor. I feel enchanted and unable to concentrate.
Do I have super powers or am I dreaming?
Officially Spring in/on my head.
Took a walk in my day dreams, and rather enjoyed it.
How was your January, friend?
Friday, January 26, 2018
Caking on makeup verses no makeup at all. Which one is the "real girl"?
Bare faced. Blemishes, discoloration, a bit of shine, we all have them, but like dirty secrets, no one would ever know.
A no makeup face in a cosmopolitan society, is translated as lazy, unhealthy, or unprofessional. While those who believe in the authentic life of a bare face, may deem a full face of makeup as fake, superficial, and manipulative. So, which one is it? Can these two worlds ever collide in a balanced harmony?
Yes. The truest form of balance is to learn the benefits of both worlds.
Finding comfort in your own skin with no makeup is a valuable lesson of self acceptance, and confidence. One should be comfortable to show their bare face in front of anyone, and understand the unique beauty of being completely natural.
However, there is also value in understanding the benefits of wearing makeup and appreciating a different form of beauty. It is a valid tool of professionalism, attraction, expressionism, and artistry.
Just as one decorates a table for a dinner party, makeup is an artistic exploration of colors, angles, textures, and the effects of aesthetics on human interaction.
Practice the healthy balance of letting your skin breathe on a daily basis, while challenging yourself to explore the various variables of faces found in the unexpected playground of makeup.
Have fun!
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