
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fashion, Transgender, and the Crap We Believe

As you may have all heard, former Olympic Gold Medalist, Bruce Jenner, has recently admitted to his transgender ways, and declared himself as a woman. Currently, as a "trending" topic, I find myself intrigued by how uncomfortable people get when identity, fashion and gender do not match up to the social stigmas they were born believing. 

As depicted on the doors of universal toilets, a boy wears pants and a girl wears a skirt, try switching things around and all hell breaks loose. People enjoy labels and categories, because it is convenient and easy. Unfortunately, such conveniences, creates a society based on identities predestined by gender orientation and physical appearance. The question of who are you, remains insignificant to the idea, what are you?

For example, the whole concept of creating the word "transgender", is a mistake in itself. It's like having two main teams and putting the odd balls in the corner with another useless label. The point should remain on who you choose to be. Identity is a choice, and something you create, free of any stigmas.  Life often mimics high school and it is time we realize there are no rules in creating who you are. Social groups, and finding your spot is a waste of time, and emphasis should be made in creating your own way, and persona. The term, "male" or female is strictly a "biological" one and it should not restrain your thoughts, preference, or ways of self expresssion. 

 Fashion in all ways, should be the first to adopt the new mind set, of "no rules". The idea of " to be a women is..." or " to be a man is..." should be abolished and corrected to finding what it means "to be (insert your name)..." 

You, like the fingerprints and DNA you were born with, are completely, and unexplainably unique. You are far more valuable than any label could ever begin to understand or describe. Do not cheapen your existence by defining your life based on social pressures. 

Fashion is Freedom.


PS. sorry, about the very late post on my "Sakura" dress. New posts coming soon!


  1. I liked your thoughts about the word transgender being restrictive itself. There are not just 2 ways to identify oneself. I like that we can create a dialogue about it & learn more. The world needs more acceptance. :]

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    1. hi carmen,
      thanks for your comment sweety. I agree with you. Its all about creating a dialogue, learning, and remaining open minded.
      take care.

  2. I liked your thoughts about the word transgender being restrictive itself. There are not just 2 ways to identify oneself. I like that we can create a dialogue about it & learn more. The world needs more acceptance. :]

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  3. As usual, a great post! I agree with your points, but I can't help but think that, as you said, human beings need tags: words that define a concept in our head to make it possible to convey a thought.
    The more precise this tag is, the better result we get AND at the same time, the more precise the tag is, the less "items" can fit into the same category and that does end up leading to what you described also talking about fashion. "male" vs "female" vs "others"
    As a philosophy graduate I love how important the meaning of a word is, and how necessary it is to communicate ideas in a functional way. Unfortunately the most personal cases (gender, identity, and so on) are those where the two things don't easily go along. Every one is different and to discuss such a topic in a general way you need tags.
    Please note I said "to discuss", and I can't see how fashion can't be creative and create all the tags in the world for everyone to feel free and accepted in any case. Fashion should be freedom from discussions.


    1. hi Barbs,

      It is always great to hear from you and your insightful thoughts. I believe human beings need "words" to convey their thoughts but tags /labels should be used cautiously when used on living objects. for example the colors black, white, and yellow, are words that describe a type of color. This is a harmless, and useful tool in expression, and communication. However those same words, referenced to people is now grouping "humans" into categories based on race (how a person looks). Although convenient, people are not inanimate objects. They think, feel, and interpret things uniquely. Although, statistics are helpful in understanding people, it is in these general statements that cause massive confusion to those who do not fit the label. If everyone in the world is allowed to feel "welcome" to be themselves, then the focus should not be in fitting into a tag, but creating your own. take care sweety.
