
Friday, April 22, 2016

What is Re-FASHION?

In the spirit of Earth Day, lets discuss 'Re-Fashion".

Re-Fashion is the act of connecting your fashion style to coexist with your surroundings. Making clothing choices that are not only sustainable but empathetic and aware of the power you hold.What you choose to wear is not a static choice, but a small part in a series of domino effects that change the course of our future.

The Golden 3:
Reduce, Re-use, Recyle

Reduce what you buy. Please do not misunderstand this word for reduce what you have in your closet. Much too often, people get rid of their clothes as soon as they buy them. Creating this careless attitude of buying more, paying less, and creating more human waste. Change your shopping habits and invest in key pieces that are made of good quality. Collect items invisioning a lifetime. They should be able to grow and evolve with you.

Re-use and be inspired. Learn to appreciate the value of quality items that can be re-used. Whether it be swapping clothes with friends, rummaging through your grandma's closet, or shopping at a local thrift or vintage shops. Explore the creativity attached to timeless pieces.

Recycle. Lets get creative. Oh yes, DIY should always be the last step injected before tossing any fashion piece into the trash. Take your lifeless garment and REVIVE it back for a second life.
For example, one of my favorite cashmere sweater had several holes near the bottom. Did I throw it away? Not at all, I cut the parts with a hole, and turned it into a fantastic crop top sweater!

Read about it here:DIY: Old Sweater Make-Over


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