
Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Have you ever thought about why we wear clothes?
We are the only species that have adopted the art of dressing, and nudists would argue, it's plain unnatural. 

Unnatural for an animal, but not so for a human. 
Humans have an innate ability to multitask multiple ideas, emotions, problem solve, and develop. This complexity, results in the need for creative ways to express life, far beyond our instincts. 

Creativity is a skill that must be practiced and strengthened on a daily basis, and yet it is one of the most neglected tools of life. 
This is wear fashion takes its role in everyones life as a tool to use creativity or not.
If you are a realist, you may dress strictly for practical reasons. If you are a religious person, you may dress strictly for modesty. A materialist, may dress to claim status, and power. 
However, a person who dresses themselves to practice creativity and actively express themselves, is a living art form. 

Why do you dress? 


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