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Showing posts with label valentine's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valentine's day. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pink & Red Love Affair.

DIY Pink & Red Nail Art

Nail Art is easier than you might think. Before you head on over to the salon, try this
cute nail look on your own!

What you will need: Red, Pink Nail Polish + Top Coat, tweezers, choice of nail embellishments, nail file, Scotch tape

1.) File nails evenly.

2.) Use your tape to make a clean separation down the middle of each nail. 

3.) Paint the side without the tape with desired color. 

4.) Wait to dry, and repeat on other size.

5.) Dot a small amount of Top coat on desired spot for nail embellishment. Use tweezers and place.

6.) Finish Nail off with Top Coat

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Nail Art Hearts

Easy DIY Nail Art


1. Pick 3 Nail polish colors that you desire.
Use one color for your accent nail, and another color for the remaining 4 nails. 

2.)Use two paper ring stickers and place as the picture shows. 

3.) Take your third color, or the color you have not used yet, to paint the area that is not covered by the stickers.

4.) Check the photo to be sure it looks similar to this.

5.) Repeat step 2 but be sure to place stickers a bit lower.

6.) Paint the last color and you are finished. 

Blushing Hearts

1.) Pick three nail polish colors. Take one color and paint all your nails. 

2.) Take tape and cut out a single heart. 

3.) Place the tape on your finger where you desire the heart to be.

4.)Take the remaining two colors, and paint them onto a sponge.

5.) Sponge the color onto the tape.

6.) Remove tape.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

DIY Rose Petal Bath Salts!

Make your own princess bath and treat yourself all month long. This recipe makes beautiful gifts for your friends, family, or simply all for you. Epsom Salt alone is a hidden secret that dancers, and athletes use to soak their sore little bodies to relieve pain. However, mix in rose petals, oils, and aromatics and you have a luxurious blend of awesomeness! 

I found this amazing recipe here:

DIY: "Rose Petal Bath Salts"

---fills 4 Mason jars---

*3 cups Epsom Salts
*1 cup Baking Soda
*1 1/2 cups Organic Rose Petals and/or miniature Rose Buds
* a few drops of Vegetable Glycerin {from any pharmacy}